That day at the work place.
Turned out to be a little date.
For me, ofcourse not for you.
With Mocha and Java Chip.
That day at the bar.
Turned out to be a little date.
For me, ofcourse not for you.
With Gin, Rum & Bong.
That day when I met your gang.
Turned out to be a little date.
For me, ofcourse not for you.
With your girl by your side.
That day, I began burning the infatuation.
Because you two are adorable.
And I love you for the way you are,
Not with a want to make you mine.
Yet, it still remains like the ash left behind.
I wonder if you have noticed.
The lit eyes as we talk.
The wandering eyes looking at you.
The wish to tell you that I like you.
But for once I feel like not telling.
As it might ruin the way we talk, anyway I feel lit about it.
But I do feel as I see you,
As you move past me,
As your hand brushed against mine.
That heart's glitch.
That burried smile.
With a fragrance of Java Chip.
Will forever cherish the few smoke breaks.
Or whatever little date I find with you, Java Chip.