6 years later
That little dance
On your 25th anniversary
Still lingers on my mind
Because maybe for the first time
In those 17 years of my birth
I felt so full of joy and light-hearted
I felt ‘Yes, my father is the happiest person in the world today’
When everyone was teary eyed
Seeing us in euphoria and love
Can’t comprehend how those blissful moments
Suddenly turned into a lifetime of void
The chest hurts
The mind boggles
But there is no answer that can give me peace
The stormy oceanic waves of my heart
Cannot find rest
This is the only vacancy ever
That no one can apply for
That no one is capable of
Yet, I look for you
In the eyes of the people
In their actions
In their words
And especially my words
Will keep myself on the lookout
Please connect, for once, soon!