Dream 1.
Where all worlds come together.
Making no sense.
The silly nonsense.
God image standing at the door, taking life out of a parent.
Running naked in the street, shamed.
Driving a car on water, losing.
Past places and Present people.
Bumping into ex-es in school classrooms.
Pet cat swimming in an old friend’s pool.
A younger self, changing clothes in dilapidated office space.
Waking up with new friends in old hometown.
Worlds colliding, as one.
Dream 1.
Dream 2.
When nothing make sense,
But only dreams.
Daring to Dream.
Flying as a free bird,
Wings as large as an albatross,
A kingdom of self love and dancing waltz.
Future places and Present people.
Lovers becoming partners, in prime and crime.
Big bashes happening in muse mansions.
Long drives in a space like Narnia.
Waking up alone/ lonely on an island bustling with life.
Worlds emerging, as a clue.
Dream 2.