A tempest like love.
She already heard footsteps on the stairs.
He called, open the door please.
She opened and hid behind.
He saw and laughed, a funny laugh.
The laugh she fell in love with.
He grabbed her muffin top.
She said, kindly wait.
He turned, the light off and the music on.
She looked at him, with arched bushy brows.
The brows he fell in love with.
Them both, dramatic filmy morons.
Awkward, cause it was still daisy fresh.
Small talk to big talk.
He found astronauts on her undies.
She orbited, a bit shy and embarrassed.
As the garments uncovered.
The sheets were covered.
In between the breaths and sighs,
They caught the cat eye.
And it was a laughter riot.
Tears of joy flipped to smiling cries.
She, overwhelmed with love.
He, awed with beauty.
Looking forward to an abyss of adventures.
Them both, fighting opposing forces of the stars.
Waking up to meows and cat kisses.
She fed the babies. He hid the astronaut undies.
He laughed his funny evil laugh,
When she looked everywhere with her arched bushy brows.
And that, led to another night of seahorse on undies.
A tempest like love.
Originally published at https://medium.com on March 9, 2021.